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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Determinants of Member Retention in Malaysian Fitness Organisations: The Moderating Role of Attendance Frequency

Patricia Lau Cheh Meng, Shishi Kumar Piaralal, Nur Amalina Zulkefli, Santhi Raghavan

Open access

Member retention is crucial for the sustainability of fitness organisations, yet high attrition rates remain a persistent challenge. This research investigates the factors influencing member retention in fitness facilities, focusing on Malaysian goal-based, coach-centric sports fitness organisations. The study examines the relationships between satisfaction, loyalty, and retention, with frequency of attendance as a moderating factor. Guided by Social Cognitive Theory, the research explores how consistent attendance fosters self-efficacy and engagement, strengthening the link between satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn enhances retention. Despite extensive studies on satisfaction and loyalty, limited research has examined the role of attendance frequency in structured fitness programs, highlighting a critical gap in the literature. This study addresses this gap by investigating the behavioural patterns of fitness members and their impact on retention. Using a quantitative, survey-based methodology targeting fitness members across Malaysia, data will be analysed through PLS-SEM to evaluate hypothesised relationships. The findings provide fitness managers with insights to design tailored programs that encourage consistent attendance and foster loyalty, helping fitness organisations improve retention, financial sustainability, and member well-being. Policymakers can leverage these insights to support fitness industry growth, promote long-term physical activity, and enhance public health outcomes, contributing to a healthier and more active society.

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