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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Arabic-English Bilingual Language Preference in Jordan Context

Saleh Shtayat, Ahmad Taufik Hidayah Abdullah

Open access

The study investigates how the concept of bilingualism is being perceived, adopted, incorporated, recognized and promoted in Jordan. The study attempts to identify how learning, speaking and writing of Arabic and English are monitored across the country. It explores the potential obstacle in preferring one language over the other as a bilingual. It analyses how day to day communication is being controlled by Jordanians; how academic achievement is being achieved through the prioritization of the concept of bilingualism; and how societal activities are being managed. To achieve these objectives, an analytical descriptive approach involving questionnaires was adopted. The study was administered on 50 males and 30 females students at Jordan. The study revealed that ESL learners prefer Arabic language at informal gatherings, but desire to use English language for formal events and academic purposes. The study demonstrated differences between the extent of usage between Arabic and English language in Jordan among EFL and ESL learners. The study recommended the necessity of encouraging Jordanian bilinguals toward adhering to the rules and regulations guiding bilingualism. The study similarly proposed principles of incorporating bilingual education in Jordan educational curriculum. Towards promoting second language proficiency, it suggested designing daily-mandatory English exercises and instructions for bilinguals in Jordan.

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