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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Measuring Technology-Enhanced Assessment into Instructional Practices

Siti Salina Mustakim, Zhu Na, Lu Yanyang, Li Tingting, Liu Yating, Liu Shuxin, Siti Sabihah Ghazali, Nuraini Jafri

Open access

This paper explores the integration of Technology-Enhanced Assessment (TEA) into instructional practices in primary and secondary schools in China, in line with the educational reforms advocated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. The study emphasizes the role of TEA in enhancing the effectiveness, accuracy, and diversity of assessments through information and communication technology (ICT). It outlines a comprehensive framework for TEA that includes traditional assessments, innovative assessments, and assessment design stages. The findings suggest that TEA, through tools such as online questionnaires, learning management systems, and electronic portfolios, significantly improves the assessment process by providing timely feedback, facilitating self-regulated learning, and aligning teaching practices with students' needs. The paper concludes that the effective implementation of TEA can transform assessment methods, support personalized learning, and contribute to the modernization of the education system. Recommendations include the need for adequate training for educators, systematic integration of TEA tools, and continuous monitoring to optimize assessment practices.

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