ISSN: 2222-6990
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The ability to exert explosive force in the lower limbs is of paramount importance for the performance of basketball players. It enables basketball players to complete high-quality sprints, jumps, quick direction changes and other actions in high-intensity competitions. The countermovement jump represents an effective method for assessing lower limb explosive force. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of research examining the impact of post-activation potentiation on the performance of countermovement jumps among male collegiate basketball players. This study investigated the effects of post-activation potentiation (PAP) intervention on the performance of countermovement jumps in Chinese male collegiate basketball players. A cluster randomised controlled trial (C-RCT) was conducted with participants aged 18-24 years, who were divided into three experimental groups (EG1-70% 1RM, EG2-80% 1RM, EG3-90% 1RM) and a control group (CG). The intervention period was two weeks, with countermovement jump performance evaluated at the pretest and following the intervention. The results demonstrated that the three experimental groups exhibited significantly enhanced outcomes compared to the control group, with EG3 (90% 1RM) proving the most pronounced intervention effect. These findings indicate that PAP intervention can enhance countermovement jump performance in Chinese male basketball players and suggest that PAP should be incorporated into future lower limb explosive force training programmes.
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