ISSN: 2222-6990
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In this research, we look at how standardized refereeing affects the integrity of basketball games. To begin, in order to illustrate the background and importance of the research, a literature analysis is conducted to revisit previous studies that have examined the relationship between standardized officiating and game fairness. This study investigates the present situation of referee officiating in Wuhan universities and uses a variety of research methods to examine the direct and indirect effects of standardized officiating on game fairness. Standardized officiating greatly improves game fairness, according to the results. In addition to enhancing the games' fairness, it promotes fairness indirectly by making competition more pleasant for everyone. There is a strong association between standardized officiating and game fairness, and there is an immediate need for it in Wuhan's academic institutions. Institutions, such universities, can use this study's theoretical backing to push for basketball officiating uniformity and practical advice to improve game fairness. To guarantee standardized officiating's bigger involvement in improving game fairness, future study should concentrate on the particular implementation pathways and policy protections for it.
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