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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Perception of Rural Primary School Students towards the Advanced Integrated NILAM System (AINS)

Elly Suhaila Waimin, Intan Farahana Kamsin

Open access

This concept paper explores the perceptions of rural primary school students toward the Advanced Integrated NILAM System (AINS), a digital platform introduced by the Ministry of Education Malaysia to enhance reading literacy and streamline the NILAM record-keeping process. Despite AINS’s potential to foster a reading culture, rural schools continue to face significant challenges, including limited digital infrastructure, poor internet connectivity, and low digital literacy among students and teachers. This paper reviews existing literature on digital literacy initiatives, focusing on the benefits, challenges, and factors influencing digital adoption in rural areas. Key findings highlight the positive impact of digital tools on literacy improvement, with recommendations for targeted interventions such as enhanced teacher training, infrastructure development, and parental involvement to ensure successful implementation. Future research should explore the long-term effectiveness of AINS and identify strategies to overcome barriers in rural educational settings. The insights gained from this study will provide valuable guidance for policymakers and educators to optimize digital literacy initiatives and bridge the digital divide in Malaysia's education system.

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