ISSN: 2222-6990
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This paper is proposed to enhance the learning in ESL classroom among Primary school students using the GBL method in the flipped classroom. The use of these methods aims to improve student’s comprehension and encourage active participation during teaching and facilitation sessions, both in the classroom and at home. The stigma of students perceiving English as difficult to understand can be addressed through the use of the GBL method. Such hands-on methods are highly favored by students as they have the opportunity to explore various components of English on their own. According to the views of some teachers outside the country, hands-on learning involves the complete engagement of students, enhancing their ability to think critically. This study is important to demonstrate that student-oriented learning, as inspired by the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE), can be achieved. It can transform passive learning into active learning in line with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0). Social Constructivism Theory forms the basis for implementing the flipped classroom learning process. This study is crucial in enabling the Ministry of Education Malaysia to enhance the competencies of English language teachers in facing IR 4.0 learning in line with current educational needs based on professional development, teacher efficacy and organizational support.
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