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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Discovering the Impact: Exploring How Insider Threat Drivers Relate to Organizational Performance

Sedek M, Omar S.R, Isnin S.N

Open access

This study aims to investigate the determinants of Insider Threat Drivers and the impact on organizational performance. By understanding these determinants, organizations can generate awareness to protect themselves and mitigate potential insider threats by recognizing their characteristics. The findings reveal a significant relationship between individual personality traits, motivation to attack, psychological state, skill set, opportunity, and individual characteristics with the propensity for insider threats and concern for precipitating events. Additionally, the study shows a significant relationship between insider threat drivers and organizational performance. This research is crucial as it provides guidelines, instructions, and awareness to support organizations, employers, and researchers in mitigating potential insider threats. By understanding the underlying factors that contribute to insider threats, organizations can implement targeted strategies to enhance security and protect their assets.

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