ISSN: 2222-6990
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Political skill has been increasingly recognized as a pivotal determinant of workplace effectiveness, yet its influence on job performance remains conceptually and empirically fragmented. While numerous empirical studies have examined the relationship between political skill and employee performance, there remains a lack of cumulative knowledge on when political skill is most beneficial and how it enhances various dimensions of job performance. To address this gap, this paper conducts a systematic narrative review to synthesize theoretical and empirical insights, offering a more holistic perspective on the role of political skill in workplace settings. Specifically, this study explores (1) the unidimensional direct influences of political skill on different aspects of employee performance, (2) its relevance across diverse occupational and organizational contexts, and (3) the distinct contributions of its sub-dimensions in shaping employee effectiveness. By identifying critical theoretical gaps and empirical inconsistencies, this paper outlines a forward-looking research agenda to refine the conceptualization of political skill and its practical significance in contemporary work environments.
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