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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Inclusive Education Practices in the General Education in South San Francisco through the Lens of Filipino Teachers

Preciosa Febres, Benjamin Siy Jr

Open access

The goal of inclusive education is to give every student equitable access to high quality education, regardless of their circumstances, talents, or histories. It is a transformative approach. In San Francisco, inclusive education is a commitment to creating a climate in which diversity is valued and every student has the chance to achieve, not merely a policy. San Francisco is dedicated to diversity, but putting inclusive education into practice presents a number of obstacles. The lack of resources may make it difficult to access the assistance and services that are required. Another area that requires ongoing development is teacher preparation, as educators This study aimed to determine inclusive education practices in the general education in South San Francisco through the lens of Filipino teachers. Qualitative phenomenological research was employed in this study to determine the lived experiences of the participants. The findings of this study revealed that the experiences of the Filipino teachers teaching inclusive education resulted in the development of four major themes. The four themes include expectations and routine, Universal Design for Learning Usage, Time Management, and Positive social Effect to Students without Disabilities. Insight gained by the researcher include the best practices in inclusive education, challenge faced by teachers in implementing inclusive education, and the effect it has to students without disabilities. Based on the outcome of the study, the researcher proposed the Inclusive education STAR Model. The first and second theme were combined as best practices in inclusive education while the third theme is the challenge that teachers are facing in implementing inclusive education. The fourth theme is the effect that inclusive education has to students with disabilities. The STAR model stands for S- safe learning environment, T- teacher’s professional development, A-Administrator’s Support, and R-Resources. The proposed model can be used by teachers, most especially by Filipino teachers teaching in South San Francisco and by the administrator to successfully implement inclusive education.

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