ISSN: 2222-6990
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With the increasing influence of globalization and internationalization, the importance of cultivating intercultural competence in higher education has become widely acknowledged. As key participants in global communication, English majors in China are uniquely positioned to foster intercultural understanding. Foreign language teaching, therefore, serves as a crucial platform for promoting intercultural education and remains a primary channel through which intercultural competence is developed. However, a noticeable gap exists in established theoretical frameworks designed to enhance intercultural competence in foreign language teaching. This study aims to address this gap by proposing a foreign language teaching model tailored to improve the intercultural competence of English majors. Drawing on existing research regarding the factors that influence intercultural competence and the current state of intercultural teaching, the model is built around three foundational dimensions: knowledge, attitude, and skills. Furthermore, it outlines a three-phase approach to foreign language instruction, input, intake, and output, that serves to progressively enhance intercultural competence. This theoretical model offers valuable insights into how curriculum objectives related to intercultural competence can be effectively achieved, providing a framework for advancing intercultural foreign language teaching in the contemporary educational landscape.
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