ISSN: 2222-6990
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Previous studies consistently reported a well-established relationship between servant leadership and work performance. However, the majority of these studies have been conducted in developed Western countries, resulting in a limited body of research in the academic sector, specifically among academicians in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Consequently, this study aims to address this gap in two ways. Firstly, it examines the influence of servant leadership dimensions (namely, emotional healing, empowerment, assistance to subordinates, prioritizing subordinates, creating value, conceptual skills, and ethical behaviour) on work performance (comprising task performance and Organizational Citizenship Behaviours). Secondly, it aims to explore the mediating role of employee creativity on the work performance of Saudi academic members. Rooted in the social exchange theory, this study asserts that servant leaders cultivate relationships with followers beyond economic incentives or positional authority. The study utilized a quantitative research design, employing a survey method to gather data. A cross-sectional survey collected primary data from 394 academic staff working in KSA's universities. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via SmartPLS was employed to empirically and statistically test the conceptual model. Findings revealed that certain servant leadership dimensions significantly influenced task performance, such as behaving ethically, creating value, and helping subordinates. However, dimensions like emotional healing, empowerment, putting subordinates first, and conceptual skills showed a non-significant influence on task performance. Direct paths between servant leadership dimensions had an insignificant influence on OCB. All servant leadership dimensions significantly influenced employee creativity, except for conceptual skills and empowerment. Furthermore, hypotheses testing using bootstrapping revealed that employee creativity mediated the relationship between emotional healing, behaving ethically, creating value, helping subordinates, and putting subordinates first with task performance. Additionally, employee creativity only mediated the relationship between behaving ethically and OCB. In conclusion, the study's findings offer valuable insights for KSA's university leaders and policymakers, encouraging the development of servant leaders in influential positions.
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