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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Effects of Cyberbullying Behavior on Malaysian Secondary School Students’ Anxiety and Self-Esteem: Do Levels of Cyberbullying and Gender Matter?

Tan Ru Yun, Melissa Ng Lee Yen Abdullah

Open access

Cyberbullying reflected as one of social problems in Malaysia as the country ranked sixth among 28 countries and second in Asia on cyberbullying around the world. The detrimental effects of cyberbullying behavior on anxiety and self-esteem are well-established in the literature with the postulation that the higher is the level of cyberbullying experienced, the more negative is the effects. However, limited studies have examined its effects on both cyberbullies and cyber victims. Studies also showed that males are more involved in cyberbullying behavior with the greatest gender difference in Asian countries. Due to lack of researches, it is still unclear whether there is an interactions effects between levels of cyberbullying and gender on the anxiety and self-esteem of adolescents, particularly secondary school students. This study aims to fill the literature gaps by investigating the potential interactions effects between levels of cyberbullying and gender on secondary school students’ anxiety and self-esteem from cyberbullies and cyber victims’ perspectives. The samples consisted of 337 cyberbullies and 382 cyber victims. The results showed that there were no significant interaction effects between levels of cyberbullying or cyber victimization and gender on anxiety and self-esteem of both cyberbullies and cyber victims. However, there were main effects from these variables separately. Implications of the findings were discussed in this paper. The findings of this study can further assist in understanding more of the potential psychological vulnerability factors and consequences of cyberbullying, which could be used to optimize preventive measures and treatment.

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