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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of Visionary Leadership on Academic and Non-Academic Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review

Fakiha Abdul Redha Al-Lawati, Asyraf Isyraqi Bin Jamil, Hamdan Chehdimae, Ahmad Bin Yussuf

Open access

In the present dynamic environment, leadership goes beyond conventional management to become a powerful entity that helps to negotiate uncertainty by presenting a persuasive and forward-thinking vision. Under the guidance of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework, this Systematic Literature Review (SLR) examines the influence of visionary leadership in both academic and non-academic organisations. Building upon the analysis of 41 academic articles, this study investigates the impact of visionary leadership on both organisational success and employee engagement. The results indicate that visionary leaders improve organisational results by synergising employee aspirations with strategic goals, promoting creativity, and nurturing a cooperative work atmosphere. Nevertheless, this leadership style requires a transformation in culture and long-term dedication. Further investigation is warranted to examine the amalgamation of visionary leadership with other leadership theories, utilise a range of approaches, and broaden the focus to encompass under-represented regions and industries. Organisations are advised to provide training programmes that provide leaders with the necessary skills for strategic visioning and effective communication. This will therefore foster a supportive work environment that improves job satisfaction and staff retention.

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