ISSN: 2222-6990
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The Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory has had a significant impact on research in the retail industry, providing a solid theoretical foundation for analysing consumer behaviour and loyalty (Khan et al., 2024; Ho et al., 2024; Duong et al., 2024; Abumalloh et al., 2024). As blockchain technology, with its key characteristics of cost efficiency, transaction transparency, and data security, continues to reshape consumer trust patterns, its influence on the retail sector has become increasingly prominent, particularly in highly digitalized markets (Guo & Yu, 2022; Ismail, 2023). The impact of blockchain technology on consumers' perceived level and brand loyalty has garnered growing academic attention (Rejeb et al., 2020; Maseke, 2024; Vazquez et al., 2025). The SOR theory provides a systematic approach to explaining how blockchain technology, as an external stimulus, influences consumer psychological cognition and ultimately shapes loyalty behaviours (Ho et al., 2024; Mu & Yi, 2024). This study systematically reviews the application of the SOR theory in blockchain-enabled retail environments, focusing on its role in consumer trust, decision-making processes, and long-term loyalty (Banerjee et al., 2024; Wu et al., 2024). The findings not only provide theoretical support for academic research but also offer practical guidance for retail enterprises to optimize blockchain strategies, enhance consumer loyalty, and strengthen market competitiveness (Duong et al., 2025; Anudeep et al., 2024).
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