ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The study aimed at assessing the factors effecting the development of vocational undergraduate education in the Internet and New Media Faculty at Jiangxi University of Software Professional Technology in Nanchang, China. The target population consists of students enrolled in the faculty of Internet and New Media at the university, with a sample size of 377 respondents. A stratified sampling technique, followed by random sampling, was employed to ensure a representative sample, with 40 respondents allocated for the pilot study and 332 for the main data collection. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design, utilizing structured questionnaires for data collection. Data analysis was conducted using the Statistical Product for the Service Solution (SPSS), incorporating both descriptive and inferential statistics to assess relationships between independent variables-challenges and opportunities, strategies employed by other institutions, industry partnerships, and government policies-and the dependent variable, vocational undergraduate education. The findings reveal that while vocational education faces resource limitations and infrastructural challenges, it benefits significantly from hands-on learning opportunities and technological integration. The study confirms that institutional strategies, industry collaboration, and government policies play critical roles in shaping educational quality and relevance, with government policies exhibiting the strongest impact. However, limitations include the study's focus on a single institution, which may restrict generalizability to broader vocational education contexts. Consequently, the study recommends strengthening industry partnerships, increasing resource allocation, and enhancing policy support to foster a more robust vocational education system tailored to evolving industry demands.
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