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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

4P Marketing & Housewives’ Expenditure: Multiple Regression Model

Emilda Hashim, Norimah Rambeli @ Ramli, Maryam Mahdinezhad, Normala Zulkifli

Open access

This research aims to examine the relationship between the influence of 4P marketing (price, product, place and promotion) and spending patterns of households, specifically housewives. The research applies statistical approach by utilizing primary data in this study. Thus, this study emphasizes 4P marketing to assess its influence toward expenditure allocation patterns among housewives. Generally, the analysis suggests that the patterns of housewives’ expenses are influenced by 4P factors. The result further indicates that such factors as, promotion and place, play vital roles and give positive impacts on housewives’ expenditure. Thereby, these two factors, in particular, are crucial in determining the direction of households expenditures incurred by housewives, who are responsible for their families’ spending. Yet, the findings does not deny price as another contributor to spending pattern among housewives. However, the impact is not nearly as important as the effect of promotion and place on housewives’ spending. There exists a positive relationship between price and housewives’ spending whereby, as price increases, housewives’ expenses are likely to rise, as well. In addition, a positive relationship, between price and spending patterns among housewives, affects inflation rate at micro level. Nonetheless, in this case, product is not an important factor in influencing the pattern of housewives’ expenditure.