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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Adventure Based Learning Module: Content Validity and Reliability Process

Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah, Nor’ain Mohd Tajudin, Mazlini Adnan, Muhamad Ikhwan Mat Saad

Open access

This study aims to examine the validity and reliability of Adventure Based Learning module on Basics Statistics for Institute of Teachers Education students using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and Percentage Calculation Method (PCM). The assessment was conducted through the evaluation by 7 experts and 17 students selected via purposive sampling. Three instruments were used for assessment are expert opinion instruments, content validity instruments and reliability module instrument. The result of analysis, CVI and PCM is 0.98 and 83.4%. This module also have 0.71and 0.73 of reliability value. The results of the study prove that the instrument has high validity and good reliability. Therefore, this module has a great potential as a good module. This module is recommended to be used and tested for its effectiveness. The module is also a form of alternative teaching methods to guide lecturer or teacher to add value to students in terms of critical thinking and leadership skills.