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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Symbiosis between Entrepreneurship Formation and Employment Creation: A Strategy for Job Opportunities in Kurdistan Region

George O. Tasie

Open access

Kurdistan Region of Iraq today is facing incalculable challenges as a result of high unemployment rate. Unemployment has risen sharply over the last two years as 20 – 25 per cent had lost their jobs mainly in the private sector. For example, unemployment in 2013 stood at 7 per cent and in 2014, it grew to 10 per cent (BasNews, 2015) and the trends suggest a steady increase in the years ahead. This paper discusses the interconnectedness between entrepreneurial activities and employment creation in Kurdistan. The paper also examines the extent in which crises free environment can facilitate a strategy for employment opportunities within the Region under investigation using some specific organizations as Mini Case Study. The motivation for conducting research in this area is to provide some solutions on how the rising unemployment trend in Kurdistan Region of Iraq can be ameliorated.