ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study aims to identify teaching practices based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) which includes overall Malaysian. This study is an initial survey before further study on the run. Components such as higher-order thinking skills vary appeal, reorder the skills, skills forecasting, skills and expertise to create a definition of the analogy, that in view of the three main components of the initial of teaching, development of teaching and teaching cover selected as the conceptual framework. This study used a descriptive analysis (via questionnaire). All of data collection instruments were developed by the researcher and the contents were verified by expert reference panels. Cronbach alpha reliability level value obtained is high at between (0.9345). A total of 400 teachers of Islamic education were randomly selected and clustered to answer the questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively using percentages frequency and min. Overall, the study found that teaching practices based on higher order thinking skills is at the high level by means of the whole (4:43) and based teaching practice components consisting of an initial lesson min (4.45), development of teaching recorded min (4:44) and teaching cover recorded min (4:40). Implications and recommendations benefit ministries, schools, teachers and the community in improving the level of teaching practices based on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) as envisaged in the Education Development Plan 2013-2025