ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Police officers often experienced stress when executing their job. Police officers utilized certain coping strategies, such as cognitive coping, behavioral coping, social support group such as close friends and emotional coping to deal with job stress. There are many research discussed regarding the issue of coping strategies in policing while encountering with job stress. However, it lacks a clear classification of coping strategies approach. This study aimed to review previous articles that related to coping strategies utilized by police officers when encountering their job stress and to provide a broad summary regarding this issue. Based on the library research, the categories of coping strategies were developed in policing. Further, this study also highlighted external factors that might influence police officers preferences to employ certain ways of coping. The suggestions for future study research of coping strategies with job stress in policing also discussed.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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