ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Governance is a very important interaction process involving government, private sector and civil society in decision-making. Knowing the influence of sustainability governance to the ecotourism management is important to make ecotourism objective and Ecotourism Center more successful. Thus, the study was done to assess the hierarchy sustainability governance based on documents analysis on Paya Indah Wetlands (PIW) ecotourism management in so that environmental quality is maintained and generating national income. The study was carried out by identifying and analyzing the themes and sub themes of hierarchy governance that affect the sustainability of PIW ecotourism management. Qualitative study conducted in PIW by analyzing legal documents, guidelines and SOPs related to the ecotourism management in PIW by analyze the data using Nvivo version 11 software. The findings indicate that hierarchy sustainability governance influence PIW ecotourism management through security element according to rules and regulations in the form of legislation and non-legislation; monitoring and top-down bureaucracy approach involving application and approval process. The result is dynamic because every theme that are safety, regulation and bureaucracy cannot stand alone in the management of ecotourism but need help from other themes, creates a complex interdependence. In conclusion, based on documents analysis, hierarchy sustainability governance affect the ecotourism management in PIW.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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