ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The aim of this paper was to specify solutions and recommendations in order to provide an overview of the current developments in the e- banking sector of the commercial banks. The researches have investigated the effectiveness of e-banking processes relying in information gathered from 6 banks in Jordan, two Jordanian and four foreign banks. Five major processes of e-banking were chosen to identify their impact on risk ratio. Quantitative methods and qualitative information gathered from 9 interviews with bank managers of IT, IS and risk departments and the questionnaire was analyzed. Major results of the study are, there is lack of required documentation for the risk of E-banking and shortage of proper planning required to integrate the risk divisions of the banks with their IT and IS Divisions there is also a need to employ specialists on e-banking to gradually decrease banks reliance upon third parties.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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