ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Northern Nigeria made up nineteen states and the federal capital territory (Abuja) which covers wholly the three geo-political zones; namely, northwest, northeast and north central respectively. The present educational dualism existing in most of the Muslim environments is indeed a distracting factor to the true path of the original principles and the objectives of Muslim education. The compartmentalization of the Islamic revealed knowledge in the curriculum of the colonized Muslim states, the separation between religion and education, knowledge and actions are of no doubt contributed to the social instability of Muslim communities especially in Nigeria (Rosnani, 2004). In Nigeria, “the secular nature of educational philosophy and curriculum has succeeded in producing various problems and corrupt related practices such as the inflation of contracts, frauds, falsification of accounts, examination malpractice, bribery, embezzlements of public funds, insurgency, pervasion of justice, collusion with multi-national companies to dupe the state, election rigging and many more of these” (Ibrahim, 2010).Therefore, the prime purpose of this study is first to describe the original principle of Muslim education. The study should also highlight the present unachievable education system existing in the Muslim communities in northern Nigeria and suggest out ways for progression. However, this qualitative study is designed as descriptive and case study as it is meant to uncover and describe the current phenomena of educational system in Muslim communities of northern Nigeria. As a review study, the paper uses secondary sources of data so as to technically analyse the past and present education in Muslim environs of northern Nigeria in order to observe the achievements made or otherwise. The paper is equally releases the integration of education system is at best to overcome all issues of moral decay and social fraud in the Muslim communities of northern Nigeria. Islamic ethics should be included in all curricular of sciences and social sciences through which the existing dichotomy between revealed and scientific theories can be eliminated and these needed moralities would be enhanced.
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