ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Very important role as a driving force to all school staff to achieve the objectives that have been designed. A study was conducted to determine the level of school principal transformational leadership with the Religious Secondary School and Teachers Commitment on School Organizational. This research using survey method using questionnaires circulation. The questionnaire used in this study is divided into three parts. The first part of the questionnaire are questions about the demographics of the respondents. Part two of the study question, is 20 items teacher commitment dimensions (1990). While the third part of the research question contains 20 items that describe the transformational leadership style based on instruments built by Bass and Avolio (1995). A total of 217 respondents had cooperated in the success of this study and two types of statistics that were used descriptive statistics and statistical inference. The study descriptively indicate a majority of respondents tend to stimulate the intellectual dimension (6:09 min) compared to trigger motivation dimension (5.98 min), the dimensions of individual consideration (5.88 min) and the charismatic dimension (mean 5.40). Stimulate intellectual is the fourth dimension contained in transformational leadership. T tests conducted found no significant difference between organizational citizenship behavior and gender (t (97) = 1.561, p> 0.05). However, the correlation test showed a significant relationship between transformational leadership with (r = 0.431). In relation to the roles and responsibilities of principals also need to be changed from time to time and they have to try to change according to time and circumstances. If a principal has the characteristics of effective leadership, the mission and the vision to make an excellent school will be achieved. Conversely, if a principal has the characteristics of a weak leadership that will come an unfavorable impression on the achievement of a school.
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