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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Spiritual Entrepreneurship Education in Islamic Boarding School: A Case Study at Pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Pasuruan, Each Jawa, Indonesia

Abdulloh Kasor, Heri Pratikto, Agung Winarno

Open access

Islam governs human life so that they are happy and safe in the world until akhirat (hereafter), Allah SWT has ruled the believers to enter in the rules of Islam as a whole (kaffah), both life individually and socially, both related to Ibadah (worship) and muamalah (Social, Islamic commercial jurisprudence or Islamic economic). Many scholars propose that entrepreneurship is a part of Islamic life. As entrepreneurship is booming almost everywhere in the world, in Muslim world is still underdeveloped. Purpose of this study is to explored how the proses of entrepreneurship education in Islamic Boarding School. This study used qualitative case study approach. Results from these interviews were reflected on framework created for the purpose of this study. This framework shows how dimensions of religion, culture, tradition and institutional approach (driven out of culture, tradition and religion) affect entrepreneurial activity. On the basis of the results of this research, show that the proses implementation of entrepreneurship education in boarding school Sidogiri integrating with religious subjects especially, in fiqh al-mu'?mal?t, and extracurricular form senior students and alumni of Pesantren through strategy Students are trained to manage the existing economic institutions in boarding schools under the supervision and guidance of kyai (Head of Islamic Boarding school), teacher, administrators, senior student and Alumni of Pondok Pesantren Through spiritual values plus entrepreneurship that is internalized in boarding school Sidogiri is religious and entrepreneurial values based on Ibadah (worship to God) and Khidmah (services for mankind), where all business and economic activities undertaken intended to worship Allah SWT; Reverence to the community. it can be concluded that religious teachings of Islam encourage economic and entrepreneurial activity, while cultural and traditional aspects discourage this kind of behavior. Institutional approach varies through different countries.