ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Nowadays, the use of electronic cigarettes are increasingly popular among teens and adults. Electronic cigarettes use battery power to operate. Electronic cigarettes function is very similar to a conventional cigarette, namely supply of nicotine to the user. However, the electronic cigarette does not produce smoke but vapor to be inhaled. The objectives of the concept paper is to examine the effectiveness of using electronic cigarettes as an aid to stop smoking or as a tool to initiate smoking activities. The method use for this conceptual paper by using secondary data resources at online database and library collection. Finding show from this conceptual paper is a great need in designing strategies to deal with the increased use of electronic cigarettes. In order to conclude, more studies related to electronic cigarettes should be carried out to teenagers and adults. In addition, studies to look at the safety of the use of electronic cigarettes in the long term should be carried out.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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