ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Conventional da’wah strategies have limited space and time. Thus, da'wah in this era of information technology has a big challenge in society. Meanwhile, Internet have become basic requirement of modern society. Everyone can access Internet easily. Unfortunately, the Internet is more likely to be used for information and entertainment purposes only, even it is misused frequently. Without the right strategies, Dakwah through online media will not succeed. The objective of this study was to identify strategies for Islamic dakwah adopted by Persaudaraan Professional Muslim (PPM) Aswaja in Indonesia. This research applied library research with technical content analysis along with the views of some figures in the modern islamic da’wah. The results showed that the strategies applied by Persaudaraan Professional Muslim (PPM) Aswaja on Internet are: First, developing a forum of online gathering (silaturrahim). Second, creating da'wah collaboration by organizing joint events. Third, designing the application of dakwah services.. Fourth, managing da'wah websites. Fifth, reproducing multimedia da'wah contents. The results of this study can be used as a basic guideline by the Islamic practitioners both individual and institutional, as well as the entire Muslim community who want to make dakwah (propaganda) through the Internet successfully.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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