ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study aims to identify the struggle of young people in Malaysia politics that has long flourished as early as before the country gained the independence on August 31, 1957. Patterns and trends of political participation among youth since independence, proven that their political participation adheres with specific objective. In addition, there are few factors that contribute to their political participation. The factors that motivate them to participate in politic have been recognised since the colonial era and continue until today. Aspects related to their participation existed within the new political landscape of Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to examine three issues such as youth political participation, new political landscape and human behavioural theory. At the end, the findings could answer all questions that have been highlighted in the beginning of this writing. For this purpose, the secondary data were analysed qualitatively. The study identified that there are changes in the youth political participation that happening in stages, increased their participation which leads to reform and peaceful demonstrations. Therefore, a degree of tolerance should be done by the government to meet the demands of the said party. The youth’s struggle contributes particularly to the democratization of Malaysia and as effort in creating a new political landscape in this country.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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