ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Imam al-Syatibi is a great figure in Islamic law knowledge. He wrote a lot on the understanding method of Islamic legal resources to create unity of views and ijtihad. Among them is by linking the Usul Method with Maqasid syariah (syarak objective). Al-Syatibi also outlines the understanding of the method of amar and nahi, mafhum mukhalafah and unification between two opposing arguments to produce uniformity of legal views. Among the reasons for this effort is because the differences between ijtihad among mujtahid may bring a conflict to the community and governance of law and fatwa. Even though the difference in opinion can lead to goodness and grace, it has recently been the opposite. The attitude of some extremists to their follow-up figures will cause fights and partly confuses other members of society. Hence, the study of the al-Syatibi methodology is conducted to look at his efforts in standardising the usul method. This research is done qualitatively by referring to the debates of the usul fiqh books. The study found that among the main elements of al-Syatibi in the standardisation of the usul method was to use maqasid al-Syariah. The study suggests that the theory brought by al-Syatibi will rise to the ranks of official fatwa bodies, especially in Malaysia with 14 official fatwa departments, in order that the fatwa or legal decisions issues will uniforms.
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