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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Exposure to Advertisement Online on Purchase Decision Empirical Study of Saudi Customers in Western Region

Abdullah Yahia Moqbile Ahmed

Open access

At this era of internet, our daily lives are increasingly overshadowed by information technologies (Its), when most of us are engaged in internet purchasing as a daily activity. Despite of a huge body of studies well done in developed countries; just few researches have been conducted on cognitive Online advertising business as a means to making a purchase decision stages in developing countries context. This study intended to consider the result of exposure to advertisement online, and some demographic characteristics of employees toward stages of making a purchase decision. To do this, statistical package for social science was employed. The result of analysis on 90 employee samples revealed that the exposure to advertisement online by the employees, and demographic characteristics of them significantly affect the stages of making a purchase decision.

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