ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Class streaming is a tradition that has been practiced against students since the last day of independence. In fact, it was being used in European countries. This case study aims to identify the positive and negative implications result of the student classification that has long been practiced in our country. A variety of opinions and views have been expressed related to classification of class either positive or negative. The researchers believe the study to be done in some primary schools. Students who participated in this study consisting of students of year five. Therefore, so long as we maintain this grade classification system, it may become necessary for us to review the success of the system that has been practiced, whether positive or negative impact. In this study, researchers will try to identify the implications that occurs as a result of welding classes according to academic achievement that has been practiced for generations. Researchers will look at the positive and negative implications as a result of classes streaming in several schools around Kuala Terengganu which has been identified as a target of a case study. The justifications of the chosen school is based on the diversity of the education system these schools representing school class welding, non welding school classes and regular schools. All these three schools will help researchers to obtain data related to the research topic. Most importantly, the results of this study should be viewed in the long term to the education system.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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