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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Emotional Disorders and Effects on Student Behavior

Noradilah Binti Abdul Wahab, Mohd Shahril bin Othman, Najmi Muhammad

Open access

Emotion is one of the most important elements of human life, which is capable of highlighting various reactions and expressions without the need for thought and reflection. Emotion is manifested through acts or actions that can be categorized into two situations that is positive or negative. However, this study is a literature study to identify emotional disturbances involving depression and stress among adolescents. The findings show that teenagers in Malaysia have an emotional disorder that involves depression and stress problems. Various factors contributing to the problem, including genetic or heredity factors, chemical imbalance (Neurotransmitter Serotonin) in the brain and also parental factors. The implication of these finding study is an appropriate intervention to overcome depression among students.