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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Influence of the Mass Media in the Behavior Students: A Literature Study

Noradilah Abdul Wahab, Mohd Shahril Othman, Najmi Muhammad

Open access

The highly developed and complex of technology has grown up along the current style of the world which had introduces the human to a wide range of communication tools, as well as communications today. Mass media is a means of conveying information simultaneously and accessible to the community all over the world. In present era of globalization, the modernization make it easier for people to carry out their daily lives. However, this sophistication has both positive and negative to the user. The mistake in using this facility will become a threat that can contribute the social problems in society. The objective of this writing is to see the influence of mass media in the formation of student personality. The method of writing is qualitative based on previous studies and research through documents, journals and books related to the discussion of the influence of mass media. The method of literature is the primary basis in this writing that inductively and deductively analyzes by studying literature from both local and western researchers until a strong conclusion in identifying mass media influences on student behavior can be achieved.