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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Organizational Factors Influencing the Adoption of EBL Practices

Ida Nadia Mohamad Bahtiar, Zuraidah Abd Manaf, Shamila Mohamed Shuhidan

Open access

Evidence-based librarianship (EBL) refers to librarian approach to encourage and practice evidence-based activities in library, employs the best available evidence in decision making.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between organizational factors with EBL adoption in Malaysian academic libraries from academic librarian perspective. The paper utilizes quantitative methodology and use survey form as the instrument; 234 survey forms were distributed to all Malaysian Public Institution of Higher Education. Finding of the study highlight that the organizational factor is significantly predicted EBL adoption of academic libraries in Malaysia and the results demonstrated that organizational factor was found to be a significant of EBL adoption. The paper employs statistical method to administrate the relationship between organizational factor and evidence based librarianship. It only covers Malaysian academic librarian from public university, however, and as such the outcomes are merely represents only to this group. This paper portrays librarian standpoint in regards the connection between organizational factor with evidence based librarianship and it may benefits to evidence based practitioners and library community, or other researcher with interest in the subject matter.