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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An Empirical Analysis on the Financial Reporting Quality of the Quoted Firms in Nigeria: Does Audit Committee Size Matter?

Samuel Akpovwre Eyenubo, Mudzamir Mohamed, Mohammad Ali

Open access

This paper examined the relationship of audit committee size and financial reporting quality in Nigeria. The empirical study has performed using a sample of 189 companies and 664 year observation from the period of 2011-2015. One of the desirable features of corporate governance is to enhance financial reporting quality for facilitating efficient and effective resources allocation of economic decision making by corporate managers. Panel data regression was adopted and audit committee size was found positive and significant with financial reporting quality .Our results underscore the importance of the corporate governance recommendation as a mean of strengthening the monitoring and oversight role of audit committee plays in the financial reporting process. Finally the study offered recommendations to enhance financial reporting quality disclosure.