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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Construction, Validity And Reliability of Pre University Students Stress Inventory

Norhisham Abdul Razak, Syed Sofian Syed Salim, Mohammad Nasir Bistamam

Open access

The study aims to build, and acquire content validity and reliability of Pre University Students Stress Inventory. The Pre University Students Stress Inventory’s questionnaires aim at measuring the stress that students at the Foundation Level, Matriculation, Form Six and Pre University students in all Public Universities and Private Institutions of Higher Learning Suffer. Its theoretical basic is based on the theory of Reality by William Glasser (1965). It contains 42 items divided into 5 subscales. These subscales are categorized as follows: subscale 1, the desire for survival, sub-scale 2, the sense of belonging, sub-scale 3 is the desire for power, sub-scale 4 is the desire for freedom and sub-scale 5 is the desire for pleasure. Pre-University Students Stress Inventory content validity was assessed by 7 experts consisting of five lectures and two counselors. The pilot study involved 50 subjects made up of students at a Matriculation College as samples to check for reliability and validity.. Reliability value is .820 while the validity value is 0885 (88.5%). With these readings of the instrument’s reliability and validity, this study has been able to come up with a Pre-University Students Stress Inventory for use in the field of psychology in Malaysia.