ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The doctrine of Nur Muhammad is one of the discussions that explain the first beings created by Allah is Nur Muhammad. It is being debated by various scholars of Sufism who are trigger to either accept or reject the doctrine. Accordingly, the doctrine also being a discourse in Malay world and amongst of the earliest works is Bahr al-Lahut. The question remarks, firstly on the writings regarding the doctrine of Nur Muhammad in the work of Bahr al-Lahut. Then, it interrogates the means and descriptions on the doctrine of Nur Muhammad by Shaykh `Abdullah ‘Arif. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify and analyze the doctrine of Nur Muhammad in Martabat Tujuh through writing in Bahr al-Lahut. This study applies content analysis method while studying Bahr al-Lahut manuscript that has been edited from the original copy obtained from the University of Leiden. The findings indicate that Shaykh `Abdullah` Arif also discusses doctrine of Nur Muhammad in the scope of Martabat Wahdah (first echelon); an echelon midst the doctrine of Martabat Tujuh. The doctrine of Nur Muhammad hence, explains the existence of the universe begins from Nur Muhammad, and acts as the first being created by Allah. In addition, Nur Muhammad is also identified by application of other terms such as Ruh Idafi (pneuma of ancillary), Ruh Makhluk (pneuma of beings), Nur Zahuri, Hakikat Muhammad (the quintessence of Muhammad), al-Qalam (The Pen), and al-Wilayah (sovereignty). Besides, the nature of Nur Muhammad is from nonexistence to existence i.e. muhdath (neoteric).