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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Information Quality in Organization for Better Decision-Making

Nor Athirah Azemi, Hazlifah Zaidi, Norhayati Hussin

Open access

Information quality is an important aspect in information management as it will determine the quality of information that is produced and develop in an organization. The high quality of information produced can improved the process making process as well as it can become a competitive advantage for the organization. In order to improve the quality of information within the organization, the information audit should be implemented and develop. Information audit is a process to identify the existing information available within the organization, the location of the information exist, the user, the cost and effect of the information. The used of information audit will improve the quality of the information produced. However, there are some issue related to the information quality that should be settled in order to improve the quality of information produce in the organization.