ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The objective of this paper is to investigate effective whistle-blowing mechanisms in the public sector. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. It collected data from both primary and secondary sources. A total of 700 questionnaires were administered out of which 672 were retrieved. These were used for analysis, employing simple random technique together with simple frequency table, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and descriptive statistics. The findings of the study show that: there is a significant relationship between whistle blowing mechanism and performance in the public sector and internal whistle-blowing mechanisms should be encouraged. The study recommends that those who are charged with responsibility in public sector should promote the system, procedures and culture of whistle blowing mechanisms, and strengthen internal reporting mechanism. This would enhance government to achieve her mission and objectives. The study concludes that whistle blowing mechanisms should be encouraged and relevant Acts should be applied judiciously.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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