ISSN: 2222-6990
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Purpose – If employee of the industry is giving superior services to the customer, that customer will be progressively pleased so there is great importance if internal marketing. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of internal marketing (Marketing mix approach) on affective commitment of employees in Islamic banks of Punjab, Pakistan.
Design/methodology/approach – A model was made to examine the factors affecting affective commitment and it was tested empirically using a sample of 543. All the respondents were branch managers of different Islamic banks. The questionnaire strategy was used for this research. SPSS was used to run regression.
Findings – The paper found "internal price", "internal promotion", "internal physical evidence", "internal people", "internal product" and "internal place" to be the most effective components of the internal marketing construct of the research model, making them key influencers of affective commitment.
Research limitations/implications – This study is confined to two things one is organizational commitment “Affective commitment” and other is internal marketing. The scope of this study is limited and it is case from the Islamic banks of Punjab, Pakistan.
Practical implications – The paper outlines ways to effectively use internal marketing (Marketing Mix Approach) for making employees committed to bank. A marketing manager or policy maker can follow these outlines for making policy for employees.
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In-Text Citation: (Abbas, Afshan, Haq, & Aslam, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abbas, A., Afshan, G., Haq, T. & Aslam, I. (2018). The Effect of Internal Marketing on Affective Commitment: A Marketing Mix Approach for the Islamic Bank Employees. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 75–86.
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