ISSN: 2222-6990
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Corporate reputation is an intangible asset that brings many benefits to organizations. Past empirical studies showed that specific facets of RepTrak™ model positively influenced the reputation. However, the relevance of applying the RepTrak™ model that focuses on the Tobacco, Gambling, Alcohol, and Pornography (TGAP) industry in developing economy is still under researched. Thus, this paper aims to examine the selected facets of the RepTrak™ model by incorporating the model to cases of Carlsberg Malaysia known as one of the TGAP companies in Malaysia. The selected facets understudied are products and services, innovation, workplace, citizenship, and governance. The reviews of the themes revealed that Carlsberg Malaysia is congruent with the selected facets based on the RepTrak™ model. Authors called upon the management, especially the corporate communication or public relations department of TGAP companies to focus on the facets that has been suggested and aligned with the corporate social responsibility to sustain their organizational reputation for long term benefits.
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In-Text Citation: (Chan, Sathasevam, Noor, Khiruddin, & Hasan, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Chan, T. J., Sathasevam, T., Noor, P. N. M., Khiruddin, A. M., & Hasan, N. A. M. (2018). Application of Selected Facets of RepTrakTM Reputation Model on Carlsberg Malaysia as One of the Companies in Tobacco, Gambling, Alcohol and Pornography (TGAP) Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 201–215.
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