ISSN: 2222-6990
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As successive Governments in Ghana invest more funds into the training of skilled personnel as well as reduce taxes on fuel, airport taxes and other taxes that affect travelers, private brands must also take steps to ensure a high maintenance culture and deploy their entrepreneurial competences to stimulate greater competitive scope and organizational capability to achieve higher performance. The study revisits this case in the context of small scale hospitality firms in Ghana to scrutinize the degree to which entrepreneurs’ competencies influence competitive scope and organizational capability to support performance. A collection of a robust feed-forward Artificial Neural networks (ANN) based on sigmoid basis function was used. We collected data from a sample of 321 managers and supervisors from ten regional capitals in Ghana. We deployed a sigmoid basis function neural networks to establish the autonomous and simultaneous mediating role of organizational capabilities and competitive scope in the interplay between entrepreneurial competencies and performance of small scale hospitality firms. Our study confirms that entrepreneurial competencies have a positive impact on SME performance. Firms’ managers with high levels of entrepreneurial competencies are able to scrutinize the environment for new opportunities and consolidate their competitive positions
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In-Text Citation: (Spio-Kwofie, Xuhua, Asante-Antwi, & Appiah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Spio-Kwofie, A., Xuhua, H., Asante-Antwi, H., & Appiah, R. (2018). Partial Mediators Influencing Entrepreneurial Competencies and the Performance of Small Hospitality Firm in Ghana. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 445–456.
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