ISSN: 2222-6990
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Asef Bayat suggests a new approach for Islamists, called Post-Islamism which is broadly welcomed researchers towards current political Islam. Otherwise, Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) is engaging Post-Islamism approach as a resistance to Islamism and suggested application of secularism and liberalism in Malaysian political arena. The objectives of this paper are to analyze and address clear perceptions that had found in Islamism and post-Islamism discussion. The main methodology for this paper is content analysis for interpreted IRF’s printed publications and electronic articles. This study also analyzed based on latest findings on Islamic tenets. The research covers inductive method that explains IRF works. Deductive method is also used for generalization in order to observe essential content of Islamism and post-Islamism. The study also refers to experts on the field of Islamic thought. Three members of Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) were chosen and interviewed so as to be more accurate in Islamic affairs explanation. The results showed that secular and liberal thought is found in the post-Islamism which is the same essence in Islamism critics. Additionally, this article resolves confusion in discourse of political Islam especially within secularism, liberalism and democracy issues. Post-Islamism also used Turkey’s Political Model as a collateral argument. However, researchers such as Sengupta have found that Turkey’s Political Model carries secularism and liberalism as well. Therefore, Turkey’s Political Model is actually secular political concepts. Besides, there are clear IRF calls for Islamist to transform Islamism to post-Islamism approach and to be secular or liberal.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman, & Boyman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Othman, M. A., & Boyman, S. N. (2018). Political Islam in Islamism and Post Islamism: A Study on Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 676–702.
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