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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Innovation and Leadership in Religious Institution

Wirawan ED Radianto, Tommy C. Efrata

Open access

Several studies have found that innovation is able to enhance the performance of an organization. Nowadays, the urge to innovate does not only applied to profit-oriented organizations, but also to non-profit organization. Religious institution, in the case of this study is the church, holds an important role in the society’s life. This study will explore the development of innovation in the church and understand the effect of innovation to the church’s performance.
This research is based on the qualitative paradigm with a multiple case study strategy. Data collection is done through an in-depth interview, and a focus discussion to several informants from three churches, which are pastors, assemblies, and congregations. The study found that almost all pastors, assemblies and congregations agreed that innovation is an important aspect to maintain the church’s sustainability. The emergence of innovation can bring a positive impact to the church’s performance. The church is innovating solely for the benefit of a financial surplus, but more than that innovation is needed for the congregation to grow positively and to support the ministry of the church. In addition, the research also found that the innovation process depends greatly on the pastor’s leadership style. The result of this research contributes to give information about how the relationship between innovation and leadership style, as well as other practical aspect that is how an accurate leadership style can enhance innovation.

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In-Text Citation: (Radianto & Efrata, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Radianto, W. E., & Efrata, T. C. (2018). Innovation and Leadership in Religious Institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 28–37.