ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study was conducted for the purpose to identify the relationship between anthropometric and physical fitness in talent identification programmes. This study involved sports at public school from some district in Terengganu. This study also involved anthropometric (weight, height, sitting height) and physical fitness (standing broad jump, vertical jump, run 10 meter, run 20 meter, run 40 meter, sit & reach, max push up and predicted VO2max). As well as, the age from 13 – 14 years for only 238 female students. Such parameters that have been associated by Pearson Correlation (Corelation) was conducted in this study for the major test to achieve the objective to identify the relationship between two variables of interval or ratio scale that can help the new researcher to make a comparison of anthropometric characteristic related physical fitness characteristic among other sport inter-school. This study just help in order to determine their anthropometric characteristic and physical fitness and they also must improve their physical fitness in order to development performance. In addition, this study also help in the athletes training in their daily life and also help coaches identifying players for the programme and performance of the players.
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In-Text Citation: (Adnan et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Adnan, A., Abdullah, M. R., Deris, W. M., Maliki, A. B. H. M., Mat-Rasid, S. M., Kosni, N. A., & Juahir, H. (2018). Managing Relationship between Anthropometric and Physical Fitness on Female Hockey Players. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 123–133.
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