ISSN: 2222-6990
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The relationship between dimensions of brand equity (brand association, brand awareness, perceived quality, and customer's loyalty) and 4Ps of marketing mix (product, place, price, and promotion) are examined in this paper.
Cross sectional research design while following inductive approach I have explore the relationship between research variables from consumer's perspective. Total 29 participants took part in this survey. Respondents were identified and approached through convenience sampling technique. Survey questionnaire contained 16 total questions (4 demographic and 12 attitudinal and behavioural) questions with matrix based 5-Points LIKERT SCALE. Questionnaire was self designed and administered personally.
Findings showed that there is significant relationship between dimensions of brand equity and 4Ps of marketing mix. The most significant dimension in terms of Coca Cola is brand association and least effective dimension has been customer's loyalty. Furthermore, most effective marketing mix tools for Coca Cola has been its product and pricing strategies while least effective has been promotional strategies. It is also found that despite being brand image with high dependability and reliability image, there is low customer's loyalty towards Coca Cola.
The paper is significant because it explores the relationship from consumer's perspective. Further, it examines the association between all dimensions of brand equity and considered marketing mix feature from qualitative perspective.
The limitations of research are discussed at the end of research paper.
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In-Text Citation: (Arab, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Arab, N. (2018). Relationship Between Dimensions of Brand Equity and 4ps of Marketing Mix - Place, Product, Promotion, & Price: Coca Cola -Consumer Based Qualitative Survey. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 158–180.
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