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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Integrative Approach For Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case From The Banking Industry

Naziatul Aziah Mohd Radzi, Khai Ern Lee, Sharina Abdul Halim, Chamhuri Siwar

Open access

There is a need for a sustainable life . However, this dream will not become a reality without the constant efforts from various dominant parties. In achieving the goals for well being, business firms are the most important entities through their implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Stakeholders involvement in the planning and implementation of CSR need to be properly structured. An integrative approach needs to be applied in order to ensure the sustainability issues being addressed. Hence, this paper analyzes and describes the application of an integrative approach in the planning and implementation of CSR activities in the banking sector. The banking sector is an important sector which provides access and financing facilities to organizations and individuals. The ability of the national economy is also dependent on the integrity of our financial institutions. However, besides the role and contribution of these companies there are still issues that scratch the image and credibility of the company, such as the issue of non-transparency and not directly contribute to the erosion of the environment through the financing of projects that affect the environment. It is therefore essential that the issue of sustainability and the implementation of CSR into core activities in banking operations to gain the confidence of stakeholders. It is expected to provide a guidance to the banking sector in planning and implementing CSR activities in a more organized and holistic manner.

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In-Text Citation: (Radzi, Lee, Halim, & Siwar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Radzi, N. A. M., Lee, K. E., Halim, S. A., & Siwar, C. (2018). Integrative Approach For Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case From The Banking Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 256–271.