ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to analyze the individual innovativeness differences of studentpreneurs based on their entrepreneurship experiential learning in higher education. The term of studentpreneurs refers to a person who own start-up business and studying entrepreneurship at the same time. Many studies argue that entrepreneurship education contributes to excellent entrepreneurial mindset, competences and innovation. Therefore, start-up business owners who have entrepreneurship education may have different innovativeness as the result of learning. The population of the study consists of 361 studentspreneurs who were registered in 2013/2014 academic-year, at the International Business Management Study Program, Universitas Ciputra, Indonesia. Data were collected through questionnaire to 190 samples and analyzed using The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result indicates there are differences in the individual innovativeness of the studentpreneurs based on their academic grade. This also shows a relation between the individual innovativeness of studentpreneurs and the entrepreneurship education. This study suggests that interaction with various communities, activities that promote creativity and experiential learning are important to reinforce studentpreneurs individual innovativeness and their competence in innovation.
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In-Text Citation: (Yoehono & Liliani, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yoehono, T., & Liliani. (2018). Innovativeness Differences of Studentpreneurs Based on Entrepreneurship Experiential Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 347–355.
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