ISSN: 2222-6990
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This article aims to examine the elements of halal, hisbah and integrity to be practiced in the management of Islamic-based development institutions. In general, Islamic-based development institutions in Malaysia play an important role in driving the development towards progress at the same time elevating the status of Islam. To realize this intention efficiently, one of the aspects seen to be significant to be empowered is by integrating the elements of halal, hisbah and integrity in their management. This is because all three elements encompass the ties of hablum minallah (relationship with Allah SWT) and also hablum minannas (relationship among people and the universe) also fulfil the life requirements of humans spiritually and physically. These elements were also stressed by Rasulullah SAW to be practiced in every human movement and action. The question is, what are the basic concepts of halal, hisbah and integrity stressed in Islam? How can these three elements be integrated in the context of the management of Islamic-based development institutions? This article generally plans to answer the questions put forth. It is carried out based on the document’s data resource. It is analyzed using the content analysis method. The study analysis concludes the realization of the elements of halal, hisbah and integrity in Islamic-based development institutions’ management that can elevate the image of Islam simultaneously able to elevate the status of the institution encompassing all aspects.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, A. (2018). The Elements of Halal, Hisbah and Integrity in the Islamic-Based Development Institutions. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 624–634.
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